Hair Transplantation & Hair Restoration

What are the steps of hair transplant procedure ?

Hair fall can only be treated only by treating the root cause behind it. There are many products that claim to stop hair fall but, there are no proven results that hair fall can be stopped completely. It can be reduced to a certain extent but not cured. So, how can you treat hair fall.Visit Hair and skin factory for a free consultation on hair fall or any hair related queries. The doctor will ask your history and ask you to get some blood tests done to determine the exact reason for all. Only after proper check-up and test results the doctor will be able to suggest you medicines or hair fall treatment .Hair fall can also be treated with the help of certain cortical treatments such as hair transplant surgery, hair weaving etc.


Frequently asked questions

How does a hairplant procedure take?
The surgeon analyses the patients scalp, discusses their preferences and expectations and advises them on the best approach. Hair transplant session can take four hours or more. Pre-operative results of newly transplanted hair grafts can be accurately assessed. Some patients may benefit with preoperative topical minoxidil application and vitamins.
Is hair transplant is permanent?
Hair transplantation is an outpatient procedure that uses micrografting technology to donate your own hair follicles to other areas of your scalp that are thinning. The results of a HAIR TRANSPALNT are visibly long lasting and are considered to be permanent.

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